can you help me?(language help here)

Başlatan Thurayya, 19 Kasım 2005, 20:12:39

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salm ı'd learn turkish language. :) ı don t believe of hard,ı can learn.ı have got
a turkish dictionary :lol: ,Ummah (ZULEYHA) took in Turkey..ı am truly,
you are turkish and some people know english......but ı don t know anything :oops: .so ıam sorry...your writing ı don t understand..

I hope it'll be beneficial for u.And I want my Turkish friends to help me..Let's begin with Turkish alphabet.There r 29 letters in the alphabet and 8 vowels(a,e,ı,i,o,ö,u,ü) and the others r consonants..

A = read like "a" in (Allah)
B = read like "b" in (brother)
C =read like "j" in (jannah)
Ç =read like "ch" in (China)
D =read like "d" in (dad)
E =read like "e" in (bed)
F =read like "f" in (fridge)
G =read like "g" in (grammar)
Ğ =(this letter makes the letters long.for ex:ağaç is read like aaaç..)
H =read like "h" in (hot)
I =read like "e" in (hotter)
İ =read like "e" in (english)
J =oops I can't find its pronunciation in English cuz we read it different from J in English  anyway,I'll try to find sth for u..  
K =read like "c" in (code)
L =read like "l" in (list)
M =read like "m" in (mother)
O =read like "o" in (code)
Ö =read like "i" in (sir)or "u" in (murphy)
P =read like "p" in (princess)
R =read like "r" in (doctor)
S =read like "s" in (distance)
Ş =read like "sh" in (Sharm)
T =read like "t" in (take)
U =read like "u" in (Yusuf)
Ü =read like "u" in (distribution) not exactly the same pronunciation but I couldn't find any other word .
V =read like "v" in (video)
Y =read like "y" in (say)
Z =read like "z" in (horizone)

that's the Turkish alphabet.and the pronunciations r always the english "a" sound is pronunced different in "car" and different in "bad"..but "a" sound is always the same in Turkish..and all of the letters r always same..  :)

and we don't have any letter like "w".there is no sound like this letter in u must have seen that Turkish ppl don't use "w" while writing "vesselam" or writing "ve rahmetullah"etc..

I hope I could explain them correctly...nad u'll like them. :( .see ya..

radwa ibrahim

wow dear you strive for learning turksh 8) ...masAllah,and you learnt something ......hımm ı can help you  :roll: ...

nasılsın?=how are you?.كيف لك
iyiyim=ı am fine..انا بخير

in sahlalh ı wrote right..perhaps ı can write wrong turkish words :oops:  :(


of course we can help you...
but ıt is impossible to learn it here...hmmm what can we do??????
An oluyor bir garip hisse kapılıyorum...
Ben bu sefil dünyada acep ne arıyorum?'..........


verything is quite close to or not... only you can decide to...


Alıntı yapılan: "sami"boşversene  :P

:?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:
An oluyor bir garip hisse kapılıyorum...
Ben bu sefil dünyada acep ne arıyorum?'..........

radwa ibrahim

assalmu alykum,wow you are very good people,May Allah bless you,
ı am sure thurayya will happy for your helping......heyy ı learn new word...(welcome=hosgeldiniz).... :D  

radwa ibrahim

Alıntı yapılan: "GEZGİN"of course we can help you...
but ıt is impossible to learn it here...hmmm what can we do??????

ıf you write english :arrow: turkish :arrow: ıf you know,arabic.....ı mean that.....

you are ggod people and helpful so thanks ...


yah yah thurayya is right ,me too ı want to learn turkish...but so what should  ı do?...ı don t know...


salaaaaaaam,you are helpful thanks so much,ıf u help us ,we will learn some turkish insAllah ı hope that..wassalm... :arrow: merhabe.. :D


how are you?=== nasılsın?
i=== ben
he, she,it==o
understand== anlamak

if you look ingilizce kelime oyunu,  there have a little word's means

radwa ibrahim

Alıntı yapılan: "sıyırtık"selam===hi
how are you?=== nasılsın?
i=== ben
he, she,it==o
understand== anlamak

if you look ingilizce kelime oyunu,  there have a little word's means
hey thanks dear,wAllahi we understand your words...nasılsın? :x  :D


radwa ibrahim

Alıntı yapılan: "sıyırtık"i'm fine (its mean is iyiyim)
iyiyim,hayy ıam happy,yah ı heard that,dear UMMAH(zuleyha) sometimes says 'iyiyim' in too say'what!'. :D but ı am knowing now


radwa ibrahim

Alıntı yapılan: "sıyırtık"ok very good(çok güzel)
hey çok güzel :wink: ,,,you have to see me,ı am saying and repaiting continuous your words and.....çok hoş..çok hoş........when ı telephoned dear UMMAH,ı will say them..çok güzel,nasılsın? :D