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Başlatan radwa ibrahim, 19 Kasım 2005, 19:24:18

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radwa ibrahim

assalamu alykum wa rahme tullahi we barkatuh..
ı am new in shalah,you know UMMAH,she is my cousin,ı am adding now.
ben biraz turça biliyoram.ı live in UAE...maybe you heard..ı hope insahlalh we will enjoy ıam sure you are good in shAllah...


salamun alykum,ohh dear radwa ebrahim are you here,also?,
how are you?,ı am Ummah's schoolfriend,and we are lover...ıam thurayya ı mean say süreyya...alahmdulillah ı join to your between in shAllah...ı believe we will agreement with you....UMMAH say:' sadakat forum is very beautiful,ı'd to meet you turkish people....
and ı am saying now,my english is not better,some....

radwa ibrahim

odd dear ıam fine Allahamdulillah,yeah ı ma here,masAllah this forum is knowledge and people write nice words...ı sometimes understand some words,,,ı have understood 'nasılsını?',of course you dont know.. :lol: ,but ı learn, :D hehe 10 he,oh ,,forget it,ıam new but ı will say'welcome dear' say 'salam' to UMMAH...


ها......نمم,انت جديد لكن انت سرير ما شا الله...انا امن هو و هي انسان جيد..انا ساقال سالآم....في اما نالله

radwa ibrahim

Alıntı yapılan: "Thurayya"ها......نمم,انت جديد لكن انت سرير ما شا الله...انا امن هو و هي انسان جيد..انا ساقال سالآم....في اما نالله
hey hey hey dear thurayya you don t have to write arabic ıf u write arabic ,peoplee don t understand in forum. :wink: you must write english.
yah ı know ..ı am fast ,and this forum is great masAllah.... :x


salamun laykum,ohoo what a interestind,dear Ummah said nd told this forum,all syrian and UAE is here masalaah,she told_they opened new chapther and it is english so you can be registeration_...ı don t understand turkish writing ,truly,ummah tells your writings,ı  never know turksih.....ı only know'merhaba'.........hay there is a my message
Allah is beautiful and he loves beauty..



Alıntı yapılan: "radwa ibrahim"
Alıntı yapılan: "Thurayya"ها......نمم,انت جديد لكن انت سرير ما شا الله...انا امن هو و هي انسان جيد..انا ساقال سالآم....في اما نالله
hey hey hey dear thurayya you don t have to write arabic ıf u write arabic ,peoplee don t understand in forum. :wink: you must write english.
yah ı know ..ı am fast ,and this forum is great masAllah.... :x
hay ok ı won t write arbic but ı can t tell some words,so ı wrote arabic,oh foget it.....ı know u r fast ,anyway ı know about you 8)


Alıntı yapılan: "ZAYNAB."salamun laykum,ohoo what a interestind,dear Ummah said nd told this forum,all syrian and UAE is here masalaah,she told_they opened new chapther and it is english so you can be registeration_...ı don t understand turkish writing ,truly,ummah tells your writings,ı  never know turksih.....ı only know'merhaba'.........hay there is a my message
Allah is beautiful and he loves beauty..

..salm thurayay welcome to between ı am studying of reading writings.......


:hos: its mean is  welcome to sadakat


Alıntı yapılan: "radwa ibrahim"
Alıntı yapılan: "Thurayya"ها......نمم,انت جديد لكن انت سرير ما شا الله...انا امن هو و هي انسان جيد..انا ساقال سالآم....في اما نالله
hey hey hey dear thurayya you don t have to write arabic ıf u write arabic ,peoplee don t understand in forum. :wink: you must write english.
yah ı know ..ı am fast ,and this forum is great masAllah.... :x

somebody understands meee
welcome to sadakat foruumm
do not stay here
come with us to general forum..come onn
you can understand
or we can help you wiht sıyırtık :wink:
An oluyor bir garip hisse kapılıyorum...
Ben bu sefil dünyada acep ne arıyorum?'..........


:kirp:  :kirp:

radwa ibrahim

Alıntı yapılan: "GEZGİN"
Alıntı yapılan: "radwa ibrahim"
Alıntı yapılan: "Thurayya"ها......نمم,انت جديد لكن انت سرير ما شا الله...انا امن هو و هي انسان جيد..انا ساقال سالآم....في اما نالله
hey hey hey dear thurayya you don t have to write arabic ıf u write arabic ,peoplee don t understand in forum. :wink: you must write english.
yah ı know ..ı am fast ,and this forum is great masAllah.... :x

somebody understands meee
welcome to sadakat foruumm
do not stay here
come with us to general forum..come onn
you can understand
or we can help you wiht sıyırtık :wink:

assalamu alykum dear GEZGİNhey very nice of you undrstnad us,remnant ı am sure.we will meet.may Allah be satisfield to us,we will come in general forum we are promise.....
Allah aamanet olim...(ohh in shal Allah ı wrote right..) :x


ok insAllah....

radwa ibrahim

Alıntı yapılan: "sıyırtık"ok.
:kirp:  :kirp:
assalmu alykum dear Sıyırtık,ı believe :D ,you will help us in shAllah,and ı will ask you...what is your name (sıyırtık) meaning? and dear gezgin too? ı didn t understood... :roll:

radwa ibrahim

Alıntı yapılan: "sıyırtık":hos: its mean is  welcome to sadakat
ohh thanks hoşbuldık  :D